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Jumat, 05 November 2010

Tas Laptop 14"

anda berminat? silahkan hub. 082133671205/ 085727479420.
barang akan di kirim sampai tujuan..

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010


Berikut ini ada dua Aplikasi Opera Mini 4.2 berbahasa Indonesia dan jawa. Ke duanya adalah sama-sama handler. Hanya beda bahasa. Mengenei bahasa ini hasil modif sendiri. Karna sebelumnya Opera Mini tersebut berbahasa English. Opera Mini handler ini kita selain dapat mengganti link server defaul juga dapat di pergunakan untuk men-download file .jar atau .jad tetap dalam Opera Mini 4.2 mirip dengan sistem Download manager sebagai mana layaknya Aplikasi bolt atau ucweb. Juga Opera Mini modif. Sehingga bagi para shobat yang hobby menyimpan file jar Pra install ini sangat cocok.

Jumat, 12 Februari 2010


In a kingdom, there was a girl who
beautiful and kind. He lived with his mother and two
his half-brother, because his parents had died.
In the house he was always told to do the whole
jobs home. He always yelled at and were only given
eat only once a day by her stepmother. Her brothers
the evil called "cinderela". Cinderela mean girls, dirty and filled with dust. "The name that suits you!" word

Straw merchant

Once upon a time, there was a poor boy named Taro. He worked for the fields of others and live by mow her employer's house. One day, Taro went to the temple to pray. "O, God of Grace! I have worked in earnest, but life is not berkercukupan". "Help me to live happy". Since then every finished work, Taro went to the temple. One night, a strange thing to wake Taro. All around the glowing, and then came the voice. "Taro, listen carefully. Cultivate a good thing the first time you get the next day. It will make you happy."

The next day when he came out of the gate of the temple, Taro fell. When he realized he was holding a straw. "Oh, so that meant the god is a straw, huh? Is this straw will bring happiness ...?", Thought Taro. Although somewhat disappointed with the acquisition of Taro's body and walked with a straw. On the way he was captured and tied a large fly with a noisy flying around Taro in straw. Flies are circling the straw that was tied to a stick. "Wow interesting yes," Taro said. It was after the train that followed the guards. On the train, a child was sitting watching flies Taro. "I want toys." A guard came over and asked Taro toy. "Help yourself", said Taro. The child's mother gave three citrus fruits as his thanks to Taro.

"Well, a straw can be three oranges," Taro said to himself. When he continued his journey, see a woman who was rested and very thirsty. "Excuse me, is there a place nearby spring?", Asked the woman. "There dikuil, but still far away from here, if you are thirsty, give jerukku this," Taro said, handing the woman's orange. "Thank you, thanks to you, I became healthy and fresh again". Accept this as a woven fabric our gratitude, her husband said. Happy, Taro walked with a cloth. Soon after, through a samurai with his horse. When the Taro, the samurai's horse fell and could not move anymore. "Oh, when we're in a hurry." The guards negotiate, what to do about the horse. Seeing the situation, Taro offer to take care of the horse. Taro instead provide a roll of woven fabric that she got to the samurai guards. Taro take water from the river and soon the horse meminumkannya. Then with great joy, Taro has brought a healthy horse is carrying a cloth roll 2 remaining.

When the day toward evening, Taro went to the house of a farmer to ask for some feed for the horses, and instead he gave a roll of fabric she has. The farmer stared at the beautiful fabrics, and felt very happy. As a thank Taro farmers were entertained to dinner and invited him to stay. The next day, Taro excused himself to the farmer and continued on with riding.

Suddenly in front of a big house, the people seem very busy moving things. "If there's certainly a very useful horse," thought Taro. Then taro into the driveway and asked if they needed a horse. The house owner said, "Well good horse. I want it, but I currently do not have the money. Bagaimanan if I replace with sawahku?". "Fine, if you used the money running out, but when cultivated fields will produce rice, Please if you want to be exchanged," said Taro.

"Wise of you young people. What if while I went to a distant country, you stay here to guard it?", Ask the landlord. "Fine, Thank you sir". Since then taro keep the house as he worked to clean the grass and working on the acquisition of paddy fields. When autumn came, Taro rice harvest very much.

The longer Taro richer. Because of his wealth came from a straw, he was given the nickname "Merchant Straw". Rich neighbors came to Taro and requested that their daughter made a wife by Taro. But finally, Taro married a girl from the village where he was born. His wife worked diligently to help Taro. They also blessed with a cute kid. Time passed, but the owner never came back. Thus, Taro lived happily with his family.

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Opera Mini Handler

Trik browsing internet gratis dengan Hp

Trik ini akan bekerja jika anda memakai opera modif, opera handler, dan aplikasi - aplikasi yg sudah di edit / modif handler

Berikut beberapa trik GRATIS dan QUERY gratisan

3 ( three )
Custom server: http://server4.operamini.com:80?wap.three.co.id

kalo pake opmin handler
frontquery: kosong
backquery: ?wap.three.co.id
host: wap.three.co.id

pake opmod
set custom servernya dgn http://server.operamini.com:80/@wap.axisworld.co.id

FrontQuery: wap.xl.co.id

FrontQuery: m.funbook.xl.co.id@
Host: us.mysmallplanet.com

Xl untuk s60 v2 dg opmod 3.12
custom server di isi http://wap1.xl.co.id/vp/index.do

host di ìsì http://server4.operamini.com:80

untuk melihat dan mengubah settings server pada opmod :
buka opmod lalu tekan pagar lalu angka 8 atau klik menu > opsi > pengaturan > jaringan

note: untuk server opmod server.operamini.com sdg opmin pake server4.operamini.com beda diangka 4.

setting untuk nokia S60 v2
Dengan Indosat
buka opmod menu > opsi > pengaturan > server opera mini:


Koneksi shadow d ceklist

Jika anda mengalami kesulitan silakan baca dulu artikel berikut >>> KLIK DISINI

Berikut ini beberapa varian opera mini yang harus anda miliki agar trik INTERNET GRATIS ini berhasil

Opera Mini4.2 Handler: Download di sini

Opmod : Download di sini

Trik ini mungkin akan d blokir operator.. Silakan manfaatkan sebelum diblokir.
kunjung selalu blog ini untuk update informasi

BiSoC Comunity

Bergabunglah dengan BiSoC.

Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

OpMin Modif XL

imagemau internet gratis dengan Opera Mini??? pada umumnya untuk membuka Opera Mini membutuhkan biaya gprs yang sangat mahal, namun dengan opera mini di bawah ini anda bisa menikmati dunia maya dengan sepuasnya walaupun pulsa anda sebatas Rp.0

imageApabila Anda telah mencobanya dan tidak berhasil,,,itu berarti PONSEL Anda tidak mendukung.
Aplikasi & Tricks di bawah hanya cocok untuk HP dgn Merk & Type2 tertentu.

imageDalam hal ini saya telah mencobanya di HP :

- JAVA ( S40 ) :
2600c, 2630, 3110c, 5300, 5310, dll.
- Symbian :
6630, 6680, N70, N71, N72, N73, N80, N90, 5800, dll
* Sony Ericsson :
- JAVA :
J300i, K300i, K310i, K320, K500i, K508, K510i, K530i, K600i, K608i, K610i, K618, K700i, K750, K800i, W200i, W300i, W880i, Z530i.
- Symbian :
G900i, W960i

selamat mencoba

imageOpera Mini 4.4 XL
imageOpera Mini 5 beta 2 XL

imageUntuk bisa menikmati gprs gratis di HP kamu, donlod aja Aplikasi Opera Mini Modif yang sesuai dengan Operator Seluler kamu.

imageUntuk HP Nokia Symbian & Sony Ericsson dgn menggunakan Sim Card XL, di bwh ini adalah Trick utk browsing gratis pake OpMin 4.4 Host XL :
- Custom Server diisi
http://m.funbook.xl.co.id atau http://wap.xl.co.id
- Host diisi atau
Yang lainnya dikosongkan dan jgn lupa "ad back query" jgn dicentang/jgn ditandai.

image Untuk HP Nokia Symbian v.2nd dst spt: Nokia 7610, 6600, 3230, 6630, 6680, N70, dll, pake Aplikasi Opera Browser 8.65.Sis atau NetFront v.3.20.Sis bisa langsung dipake buat download gratis khusus utk Sim Card XL masih dlm masa aktif & kalo bs pulsa diminimkan Rp.100. Tricknya sbb :
Di Form enter address (kolom bertuliskan "www") kamu ganti dgn =>
- Trick Front Query utk XL :
http://m.funbook.xl.co.id@URL file

Utk SIM Card XL, Jalur Akses yg harus kamu pilih adalah XL-SPEED, karena apabila jalur akses yg kamu pilih XL-GPRS maka trick ini tdk akan berhasil.

Setting Manual XL-SPEED :
Username & Password diisi :
Homepage :
http://m.funbook.xl.co.id atau http://wap.xl.co.id
Standard (sama spt sett XL-GPRS)

image Trick GPRS gratis XL, khusus utk HP Nokia Java ( S40 ), stelah km install OpMin4.4 Host XL, lbh dl km dnlod XL-SPEED.prov.zip di sini
File prov yg berekstensi Zip, km ekstrak lbh dl dgn menggunakan Aplikasi Tool "X-plorer" di HP Nokia Symbian.
File "XL-SPEED.prov.zip" yg udh km ekstrak mnjadi File "XL-SPEED.prov" tsb kmudian km kirim ke HP Nokia Type S40 via Bluetooth.
Stelah file XL-SPEED.prov diterima di HP Nokia Java S40 km, kmudian km bk "Pngaturan" => "Konfigurasi" lalu pilih XL-SPEED.prov tadi, slanjutnya aktifkan di smua aplikasi.

Khusus untuk HP Sony Ericsson, trick donlod gretznya ialah:
1. Kamu buka Menu "Layanan Internet" di HP SE kamu,
2. Selanjutnya klik "Opsi" (Pilihan),
3. Kmudian klik "Go To" (Pergi Ke),
4. Lalu klik "Enter URL" (Masukkan Alamat).
5. Setting Profil Internet yg digunakan adalah XL-SPEED (utk XL), Indosatgprs (utk Mentari & IM3).
URL bs kamu isi "URL File" (kalo bwt donnlod) atau Alamat Situs (kalo bwt browsing). Jgn lupa kamu tambahkan trick front query seperti contoh di atas.